Gunslinger Skill's
Adjustment Adjustment
Max Level: 1
Type: Active
SP Cost: 15
Target: Self
Cast Time: Unknown sec
Cool Down: ASPD
Duration: Unknown sec
Catalyst: 2 Coins
Effect: Flee Rate +30 and all ranged Physical attacks do -20% damage, but your HIT is -30. Can not be used together with Madness Canceller.
Bull's Eye Bull's Eye
Max Level: 1
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 30
Target: Enemy
Range: Weapon Range
Cast Time: Unknown sec
Cool Down: ASPD
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: 1 Coin
Effect: An outstanding shot. Causes 500% ATK damage and has a 0.1% chance to put the target in a coma state. Ignores weapon cards and only follow the bullets element. Works only against DemiHuman and Brute type monsters (probably including players) and not against Boss monsters.
Chain Action Chain Action
Required For: Rapid Shower (L3).
Max Level: 10
Type: Passive
Target: Self
Effect: When using Revolvers there is a chance to shoot twice. The higher the SkillLV, the higher the chance of a Doubleshot happening (may follow Thief's Double Attack success probability progression).
Cracker Cracker
Max Level: 1
Type: Active
SP Cost: 10
Target: Enemy
Range: Weapon Range
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: ASPD
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: 1 Coin
Effect: You must have a Revolver or Rifle equipped.
Use 1 bullet and make a quick attack on the enemy, attempting to stun him/her. Stun chance increases the closer the enemy is to you. Makes NO damage, and the monster will not attack back if is not aggressive.
Desperado Desperado
Required For: Gatling Fever (L5).
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 30 + 2*SkillLV
Target: Self
Area: 7x7 cells
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 1 sec
Duration: Instant
Effect: You must have a Revolver equipped.
Uses 10 bullets and attack all enemies in a 7x7 area around you with (50+50*SkillLV)% ATK per hit. This is a close-range attack, so it ignores Pneuma. It deals a random number of hits (up to a maximum of 10) to each target.
[LV 1] 100% ATK per hit
[LV 2] 150% ATK per hit
[LV 3] 200% ATK per hit
[LV 4] 250% ATK per hit
[LV 5] 300% ATK per hit
[LV 6] 350% ATK per hit
[LV 7] 400% ATK per hit
[LV 8] 450% ATK per hit
[LV 9] 500% ATK per hit
[LV 10] 550% ATK per hit
Disarm Disarm
Required For: Adjustment (L5).
Max Level: 5
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 10 + 5*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: Weapon Range
Cast Time: Unknown sec
Cool Down: Unknown sec
Duration: Instant
Effect: You must have a Revolver or Rifle equipped.
Aim at the targets hand and make him/her drop the weapon. If used on players it will strip their weapon, if used on monsters it will decrease their ATK by -25%.
The higher the SkillLV, the higher the success chance. Does not work against Boss monsters.
Dust Dust
Required For: Full Buster (L3).
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 3*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: 3 cells
Cast Time: 1 sec (not reduced by DEX)
Cool Down: ASPD
Duration: Instant
Effect: You must have a Shotgun equipped.
Attack a single enemy and cause (50+50*SkillLV)% ATK damage, causing a knockback of 5 cells.
[LV 1] 150% ATK
[LV 2] 200% ATK
[LV 3] 250% ATK
[LV 4] 300% ATK
[LV 5] 350% ATK
[LV 6] 400% ATK
[LV 7] 450% ATK
[LV 8] 500% ATK
[LV 9] 550% ATK
[LV 10] 600% ATK
Fling Fling
Max Level: 1
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 10
Target: Enemy
Range: Weapon Range
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: ASPD
Duration: 30 seconds of Def reduction to the affected enemy
Catalyst: Up to 5 Coins, at least 1
Effect: You must have a Revolver or Rifle equipped.
Uses up to 5 Coins to attack an enemy and reduce his/her defense by -3 DEF per used Coin (but it doesn't stack). It also deals a fixed JobLV damage to the enemy.
You can not select how many Coins are used, all coins you have are taken, up to a maximum of 5. If you have none the skill fails.
Full Buster Full Buster
Required For: Spread Attack (L5), Ground Drift (L5).
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 15 + 5*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: Weapon Range + Snake's Eye SkillLV cells
Cast Time: 1 sec
Cool Down: 1 + 0.2*SkillLV sec
Duration: Instant
Effect: You must have a Shotgun equipped.
Fire a burst causing (300+100*SkillLV)% ATK damage. Unfortunately this overheats too much the weapon, and you must spend 1+0.2*SkillLV sec to cool it down.
Uses up 2*(SkillLV/2 rounded up) Rounds. There is a chance of causing a Blind effect on you (without HIT/Flee reductions).
[LV 1] 400% ATK, Blind Chance 2%
[LV 2] 500% ATK, Blind Chance 2%
[LV 3] 600% ATK, Blind Chance 4%
[LV 4] 700% ATK, Blind Chance 4%
[LV 5] 800% ATK, Blind Chance 6%
[LV 6] 900% ATK, Blind Chance 6%
[LV 7] 1000% ATK, Blind Chance 8%
[LV 8] 1100% ATK, Blind Chance 8%
[LV 9] 1200% ATK, Blind Chance 10%
[LV 10] 1300% ATK, Blind Chance 10%
Gatling Fever Gatling Fever
Required For: Madness Canceller (L10).
Max Level: 10
Type: Active
SP Cost: 28 + 2*SkillLV
Target: Self
Cast Time: Unknown sec
Cool Down: Unknown sec
Duration: 15 + 15*SkillLV sec
Effect: You must have a Gatling equipped.
Masterful handling of your Gatling. You get +(20+10*SkillLV) bonus to damage and +(2*SkillLV)% to ASPD, but -5*SkillLV to Flee Rate and reduced walking speed during the skill effect.
[LV 1] Damage +30, ASPD +2%, Flee Rate -5
[LV 2] Damage +40, ASPD +4%, Flee Rate -10
[LV 3] Damage +50, ASPD +6%, Flee Rate -15
[LV 4] Damage +60, ASPD +8%, Flee Rate -20
[LV 5] Damage +70, ASPD +10%, Flee Rate -25
[LV 6] Damage +80, ASPD +12%, Flee Rate -30
[LV 7] Damage +90, ASPD +14%, Flee Rate -35
[LV 8] Damage +100, ASPD +16%, Flee Rate -40
[LV 9] Damage +110, ASPD +18%, Flee Rate -45
[LV 10] Damage +120, ASPD +20%, Flee Rate -50
Flip the Coin Flip the Coin
Required For: Fling (L1), Magical Bullet (L1), Cracker (L1), Triple Action (L1), Bull's Eye (L1),
Madness Canceller (L1), Adjustment (L1), Increasing Accuracy (L1).
Max Level: 5
Type: Active
SP Cost: 2
Target: Self
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: ASPD
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: 1 Zeny
Effect: Flip a coin, if it's the top, a Coin will appear floating next to you; if it's bottom, you lose 1 Coin. You can collect up to 10 Coins. Higher skill levels increase the chance to get top, but the more you have, the more difficult to get a new one.
Each Coin gives +3 DMG, that never misses, in each normal attack. Each Coin also provide more damage to skills in a yet unknown ammount. Coins are lost on relog or death..
Ground Drift Ground Drift
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 4*SkillLV
Target: Ground
Range: Weapon Range + Snake's Eye SkillLV cells
Cast Time: Unknown sec
Cool Down: Unknown sec
Duration: 3*SkillLV sec or until triggered
Effect: You must have a Grenade Launcher equipped.
Scatter multiple grenades on the ground. A grenade detonate if an enemy steps on it or until a certain time has passed.
The attacks element depends on the used grenade and gets a +50*SkillLV bonus to damage.
[LV 1] Damage +50, lasts 3 sec
[LV 2] Damage +100, lasts 6 sec
[LV 3] Damage +150, lasts 9 sec
[LV 4] Damage +200, lasts 12 sec
[LV 5] Damage +250, lasts 15 sec
[LV 6] Damage +300, lasts 18 sec
[LV 7] Damage +350, lasts 21 sec
[LV 8] Damage +400, lasts 24 sec
[LV 9] Damage +450, lasts 27 sec
[LV 10] Damage +500, lasts 30 sec
Increasing Accuracy Increasing Accuracy
Max Level: 1
Type: Active
SP Cost: 30
Target: Self
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: ASPD
Duration: 60 sec
Catalyst: 4 Coins
Effect: HIT +20, DEX +4, AGI +4 for the skill's duration
Madness Canceller Madness Canceller
Max Level: 1
Type: Active
SP Cost: 30
Target: Self
Cast Time: Unknown sec
Cool Down: ASPD
Duration: 15 sec
Catalyst: 4 Coins
Effect: Increase your ATK by 100 and ASPD by 20%. You are unable to move while this effect lasts, and it can not be used together with Adjustment.
Magical Bullet Magical Bullet
Max Level: 1
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 7
Target: Enemy
Range: Weapon Range
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: ASPD
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: 1 Coin
Effect: Fire a magic bullet, thus not using ammo. The bullet's damage is calculated by DEX ATK + INT MATK, and its element is Ghost.
Piercing Shot Piercing Shot
Max Level: 5
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 10 + SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: Weapon Range + Snake's Eye SkillLV cells
Cast Time: Unknown sec
Cool Down: Unknown sec
Duration: Instant
Effect: You must have a Revolver or Rifle equipped.
Aim for a weakly armored spot and cause (100+20*SkillLV)% ATK damage and, by chance, bleeding.
[LV 1] 120% ATK, Bleeding Chance 3%
[LV 2] 140% ATK, Bleeding Chance 6%
[LV 3] 160% ATK, Bleeding Chance 9%
[LV 4] 180% ATK, Bleeding Chance 12%
[LV 5] 200% ATK, Bleeding Chance 15%
Rapid Shower Rapid Shower
Required For: Desperado (L5), Gatling Fever (L7).
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 20 + 2*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: Weapon Range + Snake's Eye SkillLV cells
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 0.5 sec
Duration: Instant
Effect: You must have a Revolver equipped.
Uses 5 bullets and attack a single target with a 5 hit burst causing (500+50*SkillLV)% ATK damage.
[LV 1] 550% ATK
[LV 2] 600% ATK
[LV 3] 650% ATK
[LV 4] 700% ATK
[LV 5] 750% ATK
[LV 6] 800% ATK
[LV 7] 850% ATK
[LV 8] 900% ATK
[LV 9] 950% ATK
[LV 10] 1000% ATK
Single Action Single Action
Required For: Chain Action (L1), Tracking (L5), Dust (L5).
Max Level: 10
Type: Passive
Target: Self
Effect: Increase your HIT by +2*SkillLV and your ASPD by +(SkillLV/2)%.
[LV 1] HIT +2, ASPD +1%
[LV 2] HIT +4, ASPD +1%
[LV 3] HIT +6, ASPD +2%
[LV 4] HIT +8, ASPD +2%
[LV 5] HIT +10, ASPD +3%
[LV 6] HIT +12, ASPD +3%
[LV 7] HIT +14, ASPD +4%
[LV 8] HIT +16, ASPD +4%
[LV 9] HIT +18, ASPD +5%
[LV 10] HIT +20, ASPD +5%
Snake's Eye Snake's Eye
Required For: Increasing Accuracy (L10).
Max Level: 10
Type: Passive
Target: Self
Effect: Increase your range and HIT with guns by +SkillLV. Affects Rapid Shower, Tracking, Piercing Shot, Full Buster, Spread Attack and Ground Drift skill ranges.
[LV 1] HIT +1, Range +1
[LV 2] HIT +2, Range +2
[LV 3] HIT +3, Range +3
[LV 4] HIT +4, Range +4
[LV 5] HIT +5, Range +5
[LV 6] HIT +6, Range +6
[LV 7] HIT +7, Range +7
[LV 8] HIT +8, Range +8
[LV 9] HIT +9, Range +9
[LV 10] HIT +10, Range +10
Spread Attack Spread Attack
Required For: Ground Drift (L7).
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 10 + 5*SkillLV
Target: Ground
Range: Weapon Range + Snake's Eye SkillLV cells
Cast Time: 1 sec
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Effect: You must have a Shotgun equipped.
Attack an area with 1 cell radius every 3 levels around the targeted cell, causing (80+20*SkillLV)% ATK damage. Use 5 rounds at level 1.
[LV 1] 100% ATK, Area 3x3 cells
[LV 2] 120% ATK, Area 3x3 cells
[LV 3] 140% ATK, Area 3x3 cells
[LV 4] 160% ATK, Area 5x5 cells
[LV 5] 180% ATK, Area 5x5 cells
[LV 6] 200% ATK, Area 5x5 cells
[LV 7] 220% ATK, Area 7x7 cells
[LV 8] 240% ATK, Area 7x7 cells
[LV 9] 260% ATK, Area 7x7 cells
[LV 10] 280% ATK, Area 9x9 cells
Tracking Tracking
Required For: Piercing Shot (L5), Disarm (L7), Bull's Eye (L10).
Max Level: 10
Type: Active / Ranged Single Target Physical Attack
SP Cost: 10 + 5*SkillLV
Target: One Enemy
Range: 10 cells
Cast Time: 1 + 0.2*SkillLV sec (not reduced by DEX)
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Effect: You must have a Handgun or Rifle equipped.
By taking a little extra time to track the target, you can guarantee a very powerful single shot. Tracking has a fixed cast time which is not affected by DEX, skills or effects and is interruptible. There is no aftercast delay. The range of Tracking is fixed at 10 cells, and is not increased by Snake's Eye. Damage is (200+100*SkillLV)%.
[LV 1] 300% ATK, Aim Time 1.2 sec
[LV 2] 400% ATK, Aim Time 1.4 sec
[LV 3] 500% ATK, Aim Time 1.6 sec
[LV 4] 600% ATK, Aim Time 1.8 sec
[LV 5] 700% ATK, Aim Time 2 sec
[LV 6] 800% ATK, Aim Time 2.2 sec
[LV 7] 900% ATK, Aim Time 2.4 sec
[LV 8] 1000% ATK, Aim Time 2.6 sec
[LV 9] 1100% ATK, Aim Time 2.8 sec
[LV 10] 1200% ATK, Aim Time 3 sec
Triple Action Triple Action
Max Level: 1
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 20
Target: Enemy
Range: Weapon Range
Cast Time: Unknown sec
Cool Down: ASPD
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: 1 Coin
Effect: Use a Coin and deal three hits.